In this blog you can find all of the topics that are on the subject of Strategies and Resources II, the activities in class or out of class, comments, videos, pictures, extra information, fun facts and much more. ENGOY IT!!!


Now you can find some strategies and resources to impruve your listening and speaking, this can help you to develop your skills!


There are books, magazines, etc., that provide strategies to improve listening and reading comprehension, pronunciation and techniques to facilitate the learning and teaching.


Currently you can have a variety of resources that you can use to improve your English like reading any book you like, listening songs and watching movies in English.


You can learn something new every day, a word, a verb, a sentence, etc., with this you can enrich your vocabulary.

lunes, 24 de noviembre de 2014

10th CLASS

Class starts giving sequence to the above, therefore starts with the exhibition of the first team.

The second team makes the exhibition starting with an activity to break the ice, called "Do what I say" once completed it begins the theme, developed entirely by the explanation, the conclusion of the subject is given and ends with a closing activity.

The third team will not have time to go to expose therefore the next class will take place and the exposure will be recorded and shall contain the same features of previous exhibitions, should last thirty minutes, having ice breaker activity, initiation, development, conclucion the topic and closing activity.


You can start your class with an activity in which your students can write ideas, to structure and looks to use his imagination, for example write a brief history in five minutes, a story in which they discuss cualquir issue, once finalized drafting, each student will read your story to cmpartirla with the rest of the group.

This activity will improve the wording, expand vocabulary and develop the imagination.

Once the activity of writing, three teams are formed, the teacher distributes a different theme each team for the teams to agree and organize for good presentation, the teacher gives the guidelines that must be followed to achieve the desired exposure, each team must exhibit in thirty minutes, have an activity to break the ice, initiation, development, completion of the subject and a closing activity. The teams prepare their issues and expose the next class.

martes, 21 de octubre de 2014


Remember that the class should start with a new and interesting topic for students, so you can imagine talking about living on another planet, specifically Mars (you can change the name of the planet), then students should consider ten words that they believe are most important to survive on the planet, each student must write the ten words in his book, when finished their lists each student should share the ten words to the other peers.

The teacher will form teams of three people, all members of each team will share their lists of words, must choose ten words they deem most important of the three lists for one list per team, just as each team must share their list of other teams and then they should make a list for the whole group, all students should suggest words and agree to choose ten words from the list.

To end the class and the activity, the students need to answer the questions and write the answers in their notebooks.

This activity helps students to improvise their vocabulary, learn new words, etc.


Start the class forming teams of three members, the teacher should give to each team a sheet containing a specific topic and different questions about the topic, each team must read the questions and each member of the team must provide its own answers for the rest of the team to have different views or different information.

When you finish answering the questions on the worksheet, each team must exchange their leaves so that all teams can comment on the various issues and questions distributed by the teacher.

This activity is helpful to expand the vocabulary, have varied information improvising vocabulary, etc.

martes, 7 de octubre de 2014


The class starts with a drawing. Each student must make a drawing following the instructions of the teacher, the teacher dictates things he wants in the drawing.

The drawing must contain a tree on the left, a middle tree, a house in the middle right of the tree, some flowers in front of the house, a girl behind the tree on the left, some birds and pigeons in the middle tree, the sun in the upper right hand corner of the sheet, draw yourself somewhere in the picture, write a paragraph where the role that you play in the drawing explain.

After finishing the drawing, students should share with theirclassmates paragraph writing in your drawing and paste their pictures on the wall so that others can observe the drawings.

This activity will help students to improvise their listening comprehension because they need to listen carefully to draw everything in the right place.

The second activity is to write a letter.

The teacher gives each student the name of a day of the week or month, each student needs to write a letter to any month or any day of the week, writing how you think it is the day or month, as if you were the month or day.

To end the activity, each student should read his letter to share with other classmates.

With this activity you can improvise your writing, vocabulary, etc. You can use other themes, animals, fruits, vegetables, countries, etc.


The first thing you should do before starting the class is to issue a reminder of seen the previous class.

Once done the reminder starts class with a video called "Get it?" Students need to pay attention to the video because the end of the video the students share what they understood the message of the video.

The video is about a man who was unhappy all the time with the things that happened to him, he felt that everything bad always happened and that he had the worst problems. One day a man gives a lens, the lenses get started noticing the problems by passing people who were around him, he could tell if he was going through hard times also the other people even worse time.

All the time there are people who have a worse problem than yours, in some cases you could help in other cases could not do it but could be part of the solution.

After discussing what was understood of the video, teams are formed to answer some questions.

To end the activity, students should share their answers with the class. To end the class, a student must a small summary of what was seen during class.

It is very important that before starting any topic, students should be wrapped, attracting the attention of the student, the land issue in the real life of the students, so students can relate what they learn in class and apply it in their daily life.


If you show a video to your students, you should know that the video should be about something that know or will engage students, because if you show videos of things that they do not know or not interested they won´t pay attention.

A good example of a video to show students would be the coke, everyone knows everyone has proven one, they will pay attention to the video because it interested them. At the end of the video you can give some questions to be answered basing on the video, this activity will be easier if you form teams because they will answer it easily and enrich the answers. When you show a video you need to involve thestudents to be able to go into the activity.


Another way to start the class is in pairs, they will comment on the most relevant news they heard during the week, to finish the activity every couple should share the news remember. This strategy will serve to break the ice and improvise their English.

Now let's talk about the quality and warmth:

During your class perform different activities, each class is divided into several stages, but may not know what stage it's about quality and what´s about warmth.

Theory of Cerebral Hemispheres: Roger Sperry.

Previous class review and diagnostic (Quality)

-Roll call (Quality)
Puntual attendances is a habit that most be promoted among student. It is a matter of order. Do not expose students.

Develop class

-Topic and objective (Quality)
It´s part of a sequence of planned activities. Program structure must be known.

-Class presentation (Quality)
Encourage and licit students to get involved into the topic. Involve or deductive?

-Teaching Material (Quality)
It´s everything that will be helpful in the teaching task. Take into account quality and warmth.

-Questions (Warmth)
Way to show students confidence. No matter how many times they ask to us, our response must always be friendly.

-Evaluation (Quality)
It must always be present in learning teaching process.

-Grading and acknowledgement to the student (Warmth)

Feed back and motivation.

-Fixation and integration of learning or homework (Quality)
Explanation of the topic in the class is not enough.

-Teaser (Quality)

-Farewell (Warmth)
You´re important and I´m with you.

jueves, 2 de octubre de 2014


In class you need to use all the resources you have (technological or didactic), you can use videos, audios, movies, etc., in this case you can use videos to show them to the students, then form pairs, each pair will comment on what they understood about every video, every comment they should write in a notebook to take notes, to complete each pair share comments to others peers, so students can improvise their vocabulary and expand their knowledge.

miércoles, 1 de octubre de 2014


What is the purpose of forming equipment in the classroom?

You need to form teams because:

Ø     - Students need to work with all its partners.
Ø      -They need to change the routine because the most common is to work individually.
Ø     - A team may have different ideas, knowledge, strategies, etc., then all team members will learn something new about other peers and help to increase their knowledge.

You can use many strategies to form teams in your classroom to return your class more dynamic, one strategy is taking into account the size of the shoes, students need to stand forming a line, then they will find that partner agrees the size of their shoes and placed between or colleagues found that, after that the teams are formed with the first three or four members of the line and so on.

You can start a class talking about any topic of interest to all students. One issue that might be of interest is about stereotypes, stereotypes why? because you can now notice that the younger generation just want to copy the things that make or use other famous people used what some artist, be someone they're not really. We need to understand that every person, every city, every country has its own identity, its own features and characteristics that make each one is unique and special.

You can find out how much your students know about "stereotypes" making equipments, handing a piece of paper to each team and give each team a country, they should write the things that stand out or representing each country. To end the activity, each team must paste your resume on the wall to show the completed work and the other colleagues can observe.

viernes, 26 de septiembre de 2014


All the people need strategies to achieve something proposed, win some prize, conclude something, etc., but, Do we know the true meaning of a strategy?

A strategy is a method or plan chosen to bring about a desired future, such as achievement of a goal or solution to a problem. The art and science of planning and marshalling resources for their most efficient and effective use. 

The fundamental importance of teaching strategies is to make it easier to implement a variety of teaching methods and techniques. Here you will find a variety of teaching strategies to help students take more responsibility for their own learning and enhance the process of teaching for learning. The key is to create learning environments that are more interactive, to integrate technology where applicable into the learning experience, and to use collaborative learning strategies when appropriate.