martes, 7 de octubre de 2014


Another way to start the class is in pairs, they will comment on the most relevant news they heard during the week, to finish the activity every couple should share the news remember. This strategy will serve to break the ice and improvise their English.

Now let's talk about the quality and warmth:

During your class perform different activities, each class is divided into several stages, but may not know what stage it's about quality and what´s about warmth.

Theory of Cerebral Hemispheres: Roger Sperry.

Previous class review and diagnostic (Quality)

-Roll call (Quality)
Puntual attendances is a habit that most be promoted among student. It is a matter of order. Do not expose students.

Develop class

-Topic and objective (Quality)
It´s part of a sequence of planned activities. Program structure must be known.

-Class presentation (Quality)
Encourage and licit students to get involved into the topic. Involve or deductive?

-Teaching Material (Quality)
It´s everything that will be helpful in the teaching task. Take into account quality and warmth.

-Questions (Warmth)
Way to show students confidence. No matter how many times they ask to us, our response must always be friendly.

-Evaluation (Quality)
It must always be present in learning teaching process.

-Grading and acknowledgement to the student (Warmth)

Feed back and motivation.

-Fixation and integration of learning or homework (Quality)
Explanation of the topic in the class is not enough.

-Teaser (Quality)

-Farewell (Warmth)
You´re important and I´m with you.

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