domingo, 1 de marzo de 2015
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Class begins with the evaluation stage, the teacher writes on the blackboard solve the questions in the evaluation (developing planning a class according to the theory of the cerebral hemispheres and and write what liked most during the development of the classes, which would not be functional thing taught and what do we don't like during class), the class ended with the delivery of assessments for the teacher to qualify and will assess the knowledge acquired during the class period.
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Class begins with the book that was given extensive reading, reading the book was completed to perform activities related to reading, when you finish reading the book, each student answer questions about the text that everyone read, since he was given an extensive reading he should understand fully. Once answered the questions are given to the teacher for him to be in charge of evaluating the writing, comprehension, etc.
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The teacher starts handing a book to everyone regarding different issues from science fiction to real cases, class focused on reading books so doing extensive reading, taking all the time in the class to read it calmly and so to understand the text, so realizing that reading books helps improve our vocabulary and everyday language, receive help and useful information, books develop a logical thinking and reflection.
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To interest students in reading is important to choose texts or interesting books for them, the teacher starts the class handing a book to each student, each book is different, each student must see the cover of the book, read the title, thinking if it will be interesting, if you are struck, etc. Once each pupil teacher leafed through the book form three teams, each team would develop a different theme, the teacher explains that there are two types of reading, intensive and extensive, intensive when given a specific time for reading and actuvidades involving the same without much comprehension, extensive refers to reading which is given the time to understand, analyze and implement activities with time. Once formed three teams, a team would correspond make a list of activities that would be conducted before starting a class (greeting, ice breaker activity, feedback, etc), The following equipment would list the activities undertaken in the development of a class (to the topic, talk about the topic, take readings or activities, etc), and the last team to list the steps to take to finish a class (conclusion feedback about seen, evaluation, etc), after completion of the lists would be shared with the rest of the group. This activity helps to share ideas to develop a class, learn new activities to work with students, etc.
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Class starts forming teams to discuss and resolve actibidades about "death", the teacher distributes copies to each team, each team choise a captain for direct reading and activities, once readed the text about death, some questions are answered, each member must give their opinion or viewpoint for each question, respecting the opinion of other colleagues. These activities work to engage students with interesting topics, increase your vocabulary and meet their other classmates.
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The teacher starts the class into four teams, two first teams will correspond the first item and the other two teams the second theme, (the equality of women in these day, the prohibition of digital devices at school). The team members should discuss the issue, give your opinion, your view for a given time. The teacher switch to the members of the four teams forming new teams, two teams would go to the front sitting in their chairs, arranged for a debate. The teacher gives the first team to confront an issue to another team in a debate, (equality of women, inequality of women, prohibit and not prohibit digital devices at school), each team must discuss items that defended in the debate, once the ideas of each team analyzed, the top two teams would go ahead, would sit on chairs to discuss the themes, each team had a particular time and times to defend their views, once the four teams discussed the conclusion of the class is given. Working in teams is a way to make all students interact with their other colleagues, the debate serves to defend positions, ideas, respecting times, etc.
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Class begins with a new teacher for the group, a guest teacher leads the class to make it different. the new teacher comes across a video that describes his profession and the different jobs he have had. the teacher begins the class by asking students to stand, walk as if they were atoms, say a number when he would meet students trying to have that amount of members, is repeated three or four times the action and the last number that mentions the teacher that will be the number of members to form some teams, he asked what do the students spect for this class and they say that to learn some strategie, some tecnic, etc. For the development of the class, the new teacher divides the group into two teams, the teacher projected a slide titled "thinking strategies and teamwork". It is a game about a strategy game to win and even two teams both teams work together for a better result. Each team had a chance to say red or blue, if a team chose blue and the other also, the two would obtain a point, if a team chose blue and the other chose red, which chose blue, the team chose blue lose a point and the team chose red win three points, if the two teams chose red two would lose points. After the game the results of each team joined, the first team had more points tha the second team, if both teams have worked as a team they had earned more points together. Teamwork also means that one can get to know more deeply his teammates, knowing their capabilities, limitations, their thinking and face different situations.